You can call it MFA "Remember Me" for short. It will save you time and energy when using your UCLA Logon ID.
On April 18, 2018 UCLA will be launching a new "Remember me" feature for UCLA Single Sign-On. With this feature enabled for an application a user will no longer be prompted for MFA on their device for 12 hours after successfully authenticating once.
How It Works:
When prompted for MFA after logging in with your UCLA Logon ID and password, you may check a box labled “Remember me for 12 hours.” If you then authenticate successfully, you will no longer be prompted to authenticate with MFA on that device for 12 hours.

What Applications have the "Remember Me" feature enabled?
Currently, the following applications have the "Remember Me" feature enabled:
- Common Collaboration & Learning Environment (CCLE) Shared System
- CCLE Social Sciences System
- Google Workspace for UCLA
We will continue to update you as more applications have the feature enabled.
I checked "Remember me for 12 hours," why am I still being promped with MFA?
The "Remember Me" feature relies on a browser cookie from DUO.
Therefore, you will still be prompted to authenticate with MFA if you have done any of the following:
- Disabled browser cookies
- Changed or closed browsers
- Are in "Private Browsing" mode
- Delete history/cookies upon closing your browser.
How do I disable the MFA "Remember Me" feature?
The "Remember Me" feature relies on a browser cookie from By clearing your browser's cookies and cache, this will reset the token that DUO uses to track your device and thus disable this feature.
- In Safari the Cookie settings can be found under Safari > Preferences > Privacy
- In Firefox by going to Firefox > Preferences > Privacy > Firefox Will: Use Custom Settings for History
- In Internet Explorer at Tools > Internet Options > Privacy. Adjust the slider for the Internet zone to allow third-party cookies to be stored.
- In Chrome under Settings > Show advanced settings > Content settings
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) will become required for all students on April 17, 2018 when using UCLA Logon ID.
For more information on UCLA MFA Logon ID see: Bruins Stay Safe and DUO It: Multi-Factor Authentication for Students