IT Services is pleased to announce the launch of phase one of its new API Developer Portal.
IT Services is pleased to announce the launch of phase one of its new API Developer Portal.
The API Developer Portal is a key component of the UCLA API Management Platform — it's the “face” of the UCLA API program and is the central hub for discovering campus APIs across many disciplines.
The API developer portal integrates directly with Google Apigee, our API management platform. In phase one, API developers can create, deploy and secure their API “products” within Apigee and then choose to have them displayed and discoverable on the API developer portal. Users can discover and learn about campus APIs published on the portal. Through the portal, application developers can request and gain access to APIs for use in their own applications by creating “apps” within the portal. Portal apps can contain one or more API products. The portal provides a mechanism to securely provide API access keys to the consumers of APIs. The portal supports the concept of teams as well as individual access to APIs.
The API Developer Portal is provided in support of all campus units utilizing APIs. This currently includes the Student Affairs IT (SAIT) student and class APIs, as well as internal IT Services APIs in support of UC Path and financial systems. With the release of this portal, we expect the number of available APIs to expand over the coming months. Access to the API Developer Portal is integrated with the campus Shibboleth SSO and is available to all staff.
As a phase one implies, this is just the start. A list of potential improvements has already begun and will inform future iterations of the portal. The evolution of the API portal will be directly informed by its users.
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at