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2017/2018 Billing Rates Announcement

Following are updates to the Information Technology Services (IT Services) rates effective July 1, 2017. Our FY 2017/18 recharge rates have been approved by the Chancellor and the EVC.

The Technology Infrastructure Fee (TIF) will increase $6.40 over FY16/17 rates to $41.22. This includes a $1.42 increase for normal operating expenses and a $4.98 increase due to incremental costs related to restructuring the campus Information Security program. Academic Planning and Budget (APB) has directed that the annual recurring cost of this program should be funded through the TIF. However, in order to mitigate the impact of the TIF increase to campus departments, APB will be providing one-time subsidies towards the FY17-18 recurring costs. Without the year one subsidy, the rate would have increased an additional $4.33. 

You can review the IT Services approved rates online. Please feel free to contact myself or Debbie Goldwater, Chief Business Officer, should you need more information.


Andrew Wissmiller
Associate Vice Chancellor
Information Technology Services

IT Services Billing Rates Sheet FY 2017/2018