As we move through the winter quarter, I’d like to share the IT Executive Dashboard and a few notable highlights with you.
Office of the CIO
As we close the winter quarter, I’d like to share the IT Executive Dashboard and a few key highlights with you.
As we continue to move through the winter quarter, I’d like to share the IT Executive Dashboard and a few notable highlights with you.
In keeping with my monthly commitment to you, I’d like to share the IT Services Executive Dashboard. To accompany our monthly status, I’ve collected a few notable highlights for you:
My commitment is to ensure that our academic, administration and research partners are provided with a monthly, campus-wide view of our IT Services (ITS) project portfolio as outlined in our IT Executive Dashboard.
As we embark on the Digital Campus Roadmap this fiscal year, I want to ensure that all of our academic, administration and research partners throughout UCLA have full visibility to our portfolio.