We’ve encountered technical difficulties and are working with the vendor to resolve them.
Update, 1:54 p.m. — We've restored SSO/Shibboleth service, and implemented a workaround for the VPN service. We're continuing to investigate the root cause, and determining a more permanent solution. If you continue to experience issues, please contact the IT Support Center at (310) 267-4357 or help@it.ucla.edu.
Update, 12:59 p.m. — The team's continuing to work to resolve the Shibboleth/SSO issue. We've created two separate posts for specific updates to the Shibboleth/SSO issue and VPN service issue.
Update, 10:35 am — We're still working on resolving the Shibboleth issue, and have created a new post: Single Sign-On (Shibboleth) Outage Impacting UCLA Logon, which you can follow for updates.
Update, 9:15 am — The team has narrowed down the impact to Shibboleth VM/service. Shibboleth affects Single Sign-On (SSO); all services that require SSO to authenticate are affected (e.g., signing in with your UCLA logon). The team is actively working on the Shibboleth issue. At this time it looks like all other VMWare VMs/services are successfully online.
Update, 8:45 am — We continue to work on establishing services and availability to the various systems. We will provide further updates as progress is made.
Update, 5:44 am — IT Service Operations is working with the vendor to identify the root cause. We'll update when we know more.
Update, 4:32 am -— We have encountered technical difficulties during the MSA UCS firmware upgrade and are working to resolve them ASAP. We will keep you updated.
IT Services -- Infrastructure Support will be implementing a Cisco UCS firmware upgrade on Sunday, December 6, 2020 from 12:00 a.m. to 5:59 a.m. The purpose of the maintenance is to update the UCS firmware to the latest version. There may be a brief network outage to applications that use the IT Services Cisco UCS during the maintenance window.
If you have questions or are experiencing difficulties outside of the maintenance window, please contact the IT Support Center at (310) 267-4357 or help@it.ucla.edu