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Google Workspace Containment Ceilings

A containment ceiling was applied to all current faculty, staff, and students’ UCLA Google accounts — inclusive of individual Drives, Gmail and Photos, and Shared Drives — based on their current usage on December 15, 2023.

A containment ceiling was applied to all alumni UCLA Google accounts, which have since been reduced to Google Mail only.

The containment ceilings were set just above the account’s current usage on December 15, 2023, to inhibit large storage growth. These ceilings were intentionally crafted to allow the community to continue to use Google Workspace without interruption.​

Containment ceilings were enforced until June 27, 2024, when Permanent Baseline Quotas were implemented and enforced for those not eligible for the Temporary Quota Extension.

Containment ceilings will remain in place for those eligible for the Temporary Quota Extension. These community members are encouraged to check current storage usage in comparison to the following:

Tiered Ceilings by Usage

Current Usage Containment Ceiling
< 18GB 20GB
18 - 45GB 50GB
45 - 95GB 100GB
95 - 190GB 200GB
190 - 450GB 500GB
450 - 950GB 1TB
950GB - 1.9TB 2TB
1.9TB - 4.5TB 5TB
> 5TB Based on individual use case