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Google Workspace Timeline


Contain (December 15, 2023)​

  • A staff member had 42.2 GB of usage. Their temporary containment ceiling was therefore set at 50 GB. They began to receive alerts because their storage exceeds 80%+ capacity.

Reduce (June 27, 2024 – October 1, 2024)

  • Knowing they were likely going to be over their Permanent Baseline Quota, they:
    • Reduced their storage: They removed and/or transferred emails, photos and files to an alternate storage solution until their storage was under 20 GB. They will not experience a disruption. 
    • Did not reduce their storage: They are not able to create new documents or perform activities that add to storage consumption (e.g., upload files) until they reduce to under 20 GB. Note that a one-year extension was granted to faculty.​ After October 1, their account is at risk of deletion over quota.

Campus Compliance Deadline (November 1, 2024)​

  • At time of campus compliance deadline, if their storage remains over Permanent Baseline Quota, the account will have been deleted.
  • Goal: slow storage growth 
  • On December 15, 2023, containment ceilings (temporary storage limits) began.
  • For current faculty, staff and students, a containment ceiling was applied to all UCLA Google accounts — inclusive of Personal Drives, Gmail and Photos, and Shared Accounts — based on current usage.
  • Containment ceilings were set above current usage, meaning there was no immediate impact to storage for the majority of accounts. However, it was important for current faculty, staff and students to be aware of this new ceiling. 
  • Capacity warnings were set for existing Personal and Shared Drives campuswide.
  • A new Shared Drive Approval Process was introduced. To make a request, fill out the Google Shared Dive Request form.
  • Goal: Reduce Google Workspace storage to under Permanent Baseline Quotas​
  • Permanent Baseline Quotas were implemented on all UCLA related Google Personal accounts and Shared Drives on June 27, 2024.​ Visit the How Am I Affected page to review changes for each affiliation.
  • The Google Photos application was disabled as a service for all account holders on June 27, 2024. ​
  • Google Drive was disabled for alumni and retirees; their Google services were reduced to Google Mail only.
  • A temporary one-year extension until June 2025 for research-related Personal Drive data storage was granted to academic deans, faculty, emeriti on recall, non-faculty, postdocs, and medical residents set at slightly above current usage. Students with academic employment appointment as of June 27, 2024, were granted an extension for one term, through Fall Quarter 2024. While the extension is underway, members of these groups are asked to continue to reduce their storage use. ​
  • As of June 27, 2024, accounts exceeding their Permanent Baseline Quotas are experiencing service interruptions. For these accounts, UCLA Google services have become read-only until they are reduced to under quota. Additional measures may include daily logouts of Google Workspace accounts and services, disablement and ultimately, DELETION OF ACCOUNT if storage is not reduced by October 1. After October 1, over-quota accounts are at risk of deletion to ensure campuswide compliance by November 1. Please take immediate action to reduce your Google Storage usage to under your quota. 

What you should do during this phase:

IMPORTANT: Reduce your storage usage to under you Permanent Baseline Quota to avoid service disruption.

  • By November 1, 2024, ensure campus readiness and compliance to permanent quotas. Implement new service model.

Future Vs. Past Milestones


  • Partnership with university, affiliation, department and unit leadership to understand their storage needs and use cases continues.

Spring 2024 - Onward

  • Reminders for over-quota accounts and accounts almost over-quota beginning June 2024.​
  • Storage purchase offerings available.​
  • Alumni service changes implemented.

October 1, 2024

  • Accounts over quota at risk of deletion ahead of campus compliance deadline.

November 1, 2024

  • Ensure campus readiness and compliance to Permanent Baseline Quotas.​
  • Service disruptions (e.g., account deletion) enforced for accounts remaining over their Permanent Baseline Quota.



  • UCLA and several other UCs deferred the transition of its GWE service. As a result, the implementation of these new storage policies for the UCLA campus was scheduled for November 1, 2024.

Winter 2023

  • Containment ceilings enforced on December 15, 2023.
  • Approval-based Shared Drive process began.

February 2024

  • Permanent Baseline Quotas announced.

Spring 2024

  • Google Photos application disabled for non-users.

June 27, 2024

  • Permanent Baseline Quotas implemented.
  • Google Photos disabled for current users of the application. New Google Workspace accounts will not be provided access to Google Photos.